Who Am I?

This photo is from last year and this girl doesn't know that she doesn't know who she is.

I've always been a people person. I have this weird ability to read people and situations quite accurately and I'm creepily super observant. If something isn't quite right, it'll catch my eye, people included. You'd be amazed at how much a person gives away without even realising it. Having these "super powers" means I can usually acknowledge, understand and then adapt myself to fit in well with different people from different walks of life. But it also means I'm so caught up being different Ruby's for all the different groups, that it's all too easy to lose sight of who the real Ruby is.

As well as being a people person, I'm a people pleaser. I don't like seeing others upset or hurt or going without and so I'm that clichéd person that gives their shirt away. In a perfect world where unicorns pop out rainbow poop, my generosity would be reciprocated. But this is the real world and the closest thing to rainbow poop I've ever seen is when my cat ate a container of 100's and 1000's. Most of the time people are only my friend until I run out of usefulness or things to give, and then I magically never seem to hear from them again. I've given so much of myself and my life away to so many undeserving people, and have only just begun to realise it now at 28.

It would be really easy to just roll over and let life defeat me, but the stubborn gene in me won't stand for it. So, I'm taking a stand for Ruby. I will try to rediscover the girl that I used to be before trying to be the girl everyone else wants me to be. And there will be no more giving my shirt away. Unless I'm packing a spare in my handbag along with the kitchen sink.

Sometimes you need to really lose yourself to be able to find yourself again. If you're not happy with who you are, what you are, where you ate, etc then do something about it. That's the beauty of life; nothing is permanent and everything can change. Especially you.

Until next time,
Ruby xx


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