Jumped The Ditch To Aussie
14th April 2016
I actually did it. I moved country. I got on a plane with a suitcase of things and flew to the very end of Australia. I've been here two weeks now and I still can't quite believe it. Biggest scariest thing I've ever done in my life. Asides from missing my brother and cat like mad, it's been an amazing adventure so far. Let me take you riiiiight back to the start.
Thursday night. Night before I leave Kawerau. After an ordeal with my passport being mucked up and then having to pay for it to be rushed and freaking the freak out about it, all was thankfully sorted out miraculously and my passport awaited me in Auckland. All of my last night at home I'm frantically going through my years of collecting hoarder stuff because I ALWAYS leave things to the last minute. Threw out 14 bags of things I no longer needed/wanted. Filled my dad's spare room. Loaded my suitcases. Said my goodbyes. Made them casual and quick otherwise we'd all end up blubbering messes. Kissed my Nan goodbye as if I was just going down the road. I couldn't bear to see her upset and she didn't have much clue about what i was doing so I decided to keep it that way. Made amends with my mum. Said goodbye. And away we went to Auckland. Drove past my exes house where I spent a lot of my life and had a wee heart pang. Nowhere near as bad as the pang I got when I saw my granddad start to cry as I walked out the door though 

Spent my last night with my little brother. He kept making mention about how quickly the day had gone. I could feel his sadness and it only added to my own. Over the years we've become super close. He's my sunshine. Leaving him is singlehandedly the HARDEST freaking thing I've ever had to do.
Arrived at Auckland airport with no time to spare. Had 10kg too much in my luggage so frantically emptied my beloved jewelery and hair accessories and gave them to dad to take home (which was pointless as they don't usually weigh your carry on, so I found out afterwards). I was so stressed out and emotional that I asked to go grab an alcoholic bevvy before boarding. Downed my screwdriver in about half a second lol said my goodbyes. Hugged my brother and hurried off through the departures gate before breaking down. I only looked back briefly. It was enough to start the tears.
Once through security and rushing to my gate, I was HOT. And sweating. And just plain exhausted. I rung home and had a quick wee chat with my grandparents whilst rushing through duty free. Then once getting on the plane, my handbag strap broke. I was now so beyond the manageable levels of stress that I just laughed, picked my things up and found my seat. My lovely friend booked me a window seat and I was fortunate to have an empty one beside me. The food on Air New Zealand was incredible. The movie selection bit average. I watched 2 newish movies and then discovered "How To Marry A Millionaire" and loved it. We flew through thunderstorms so my flight was pretty turbulent. After 7hrs I was finally free to get off the plane and walk on aussie soil. Well not really. Not quite yet.
Customs was quick. The airport was empty. And my friend arrived just as I had so after a big hug and a few tears, she had me loaded up in her car and we begun the journey from Perth to Margaret River.
We stopped somewhere and I had Red Rooster for the first time and discovered just how much more expensive everything was here. Except petrol. After lunch we carried on down the highway and I watched as the land became blackened and scorned from the big fire a few months ago that wiped out an entire town. I'd never seen devastation like that before. It rained the entire drive. And I was quite amazed to see the speed limit was 110km. Made it to Margaret River where my friend's hubby and son were waiting. Had a few drinks in a pub. Then went to the motel. Woke up at 530am (would have been 1030am in NZ) and got ready for my first time at speedway. After seeing the first race, I was hooked. My friend's hubby Muz raced and I felt like I was literally willing him on. After a few dirty tactics and damage from other competitors, he recovered and took the overall win. We celebrated with a few drinks and I had a cigarette for the first time in 10 months. I felt guilty. But it was nearly midnight and I was too tired to care. Got back to the motel, had a wine and shower and then crashed out.
Next day we drove north to Bunbury for a family friend's child's birthday party. Got stuck in insane traffic. Got to the party late. Stayed a bit before grabbing Hungry Jacks and making our way home to Manjimup.
Got home and met my friend's daughter. Had a few drinks. Met the cats. Toured the house. Then crashed out.
Throughout the past two weeks Ive seen tidbits of Manjimup on our brief trips to town for groceries and was given a tour of the old houses my friends have lived in. Faced my fear of spiders and public toilets. Ate not one but two cold hot dogs on two separate occasions. Was unsuccessfully courted by a man almost old enough to be my dad. Cleaned the house about 50 times (my way of feeling like I'm contributing plus an excellent way too clear your mind and kill time). Went to my second night of speedway in Manjimup where a rogue rock smashed my glasses that were sitting on my head and took a little chunk out of my scalp. Started smoking again (i know i know but I'll stop again). Saw two different bush fires, one small and one newsworthy. Was chased by Australian wildlife and ran screaming down the driveway for my life (a tiny little frog was coming after me lol).
And now I'm suffering from a horrible head cold giving me the worst of migraines. And I've got a bung eye after an allergic reaction to wet wipes. And it's now 4am and we're hitting the road at 8am to go to Collie for speedway.
So the journey has been a crazy exciting sad funny stressful and exhilarating ride so far. I've seen more and done more in the past two weeks than I would have in the past two years back in NZ. I continue to miss my partner in crime (little bro) but am keeping busy and trying to look forward with excitement rather than behind with sadness. Hopefully he'll be here in a few months and I can show him everything I've seen and done here in Aus.
I'll try and keep the updates coming more regularly. This one took a while to do as I knew I'd get emotional and I didn't want to tackle that mountain until now. I'll have more photos and stories in a few days. Thanks for reading my novel of random ramblings lol
Ruby xx
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