Perfect Is Pretty

Do you know what grinds my girl gears more than anything?

That successful women HAVE to be beautiful women.

Just about every female "role model" that we have is usually famous for being good looking. Yet their male counterparts seem to have been excluded from this beauties-only club. But why? 

Why do females have to feel attractive in order to feel powerful? Why are there so many superficial conditions thrust upon our sex? And what can we do to make a positive change for ourselves, and the women we know and love?

Just about every photo I post, goes through a rigourous "will men still want to sheetsaddle me after seeing this photo?" check...

Pimples? Photoshop.
Eyebags? Photoshop.
Extra lumps and bumps? Photoshop.
Just plain ugly? Photoshop.
No friends/life outside of Netflix? You guessed it. Photoshop.

The rise of social networking has given more push on the rise for appearance perfection. It's most evident in our disgust at being tagged in photos that look distinctly different to our profile photos, regardless of how much fun we might have been having in said blasphemous photo.

I see it on the beach too. Men of all ages and sizes are out there rocking boardies and budgie-smugglers alike without batting an eye about who sees what of them. And yet us ladies are cowering behind our sarongs and titanic-sized beach towels and swimsuits adorned with more suspension technology than the Golden Gate bridge. We're sitting back and watching the world go by around us for fear of being judged. For fear of what someone might think. For fears that no woman should have to endure.

It's all over the TV. Buy this to be more attractive. Wear this to look thinner. Take these to stay young. Advertising for females is very distinctly appearance-driven. We're led to believe that we're faulty and broken and continuously need fixing. That we're not worthy unless we've hit the genetic jackpot, or we're willing to spend a small fortune and a good chunk of our lives chasing the beauty dragon.

Anyone with superior talent will inevitably end up in the spotlight whether they've been deemed socially beautiful or not. But if that talented person just so happens to own a ladyburger, than you can count on her inevitably undergoing a drastic makeover at some point or another. Ugly girls never stay in the spotlight for long. They either get with the programme and change. Or end up cast out into the shadows with yesterdays news.

And the worst place for girl esteem destroying? In our own heads. We've been conditioned too much for too long by too many. We've become our own worst enemies. We're either hating on ourselves, or we're sending that hate out to other senoritas. And it just ends up becoming this huge ugly circle full of huge ugliness.

So I say fuck that.

Post the photos with your muffin top trying desperately to escape. Go makeup free to the supermarket without any fucks weighing you down. Show your daughters that there's more to female lives than just appearances by living your lives wholeheartedly with no fears or regrets. And if you can't do it, just fake that fucker until you make it. We need to stop caring so much about something that is so unobtainable and fleeting and start worrying about changing the ideals thrust upon us ladies by society. Who the fuck even is society? Do they pay your bills or raise your children or spoon you in bed at night? Then fuck them. Society can go straight to hell on the superficial horse it rode in on.

I'm done being a slave to this hypocritical bullshit that the world expects me to conform to. Being beautiful means nothing if I'm a cunt. I don't want to raise a bunch of beautiful cunts either. So from now on I'm going to focus on what brings me joy rather than what brings me Facebook likes.

And I really hope you women out there will bravely stand with me, it can get pretty damn lonely when you're standing on the ledge alone.

Until next time,
Ruby xx


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