Tests From The Universe
Once upon a time there was a girl who the universe decided to impart its wisdom upon. But the universe is not all stars and moons, so with this wisdom came great challenge and sacrifice for the girl. She had heartache and tragedy thrust upon her. She was tested by the universe. It wanted to see if she was worthy of all it had to give her.
Her first test was strength.
The universe saw that the girl had become separated from the good of mankind and darkness had fallen on her weak heart. She was following the path of the wrong and the unjust. She knew that her journey was not honorable but she ignored the signs that the universe sent her and continued to trek her way into the abyss. Finally the universe grew tired of her wandering and sent to her its first big challenge. After the girl was beaten and raped, the universe sent small comfort by way of its beautiful night sky and the companionship of a fellow wanderer to soften the girl's ordeal. And then the universe waited. When the girl did not break, the universe knew her first challenge was complete. And it rewarded her with more strength than she already possessed. The strength she would draw upon when facing any adversity or adversary in life. And the universe was happy and granted the girl reprieve.
When the universe saw that the girl had healed and was ready to learn more, it sent her its next challenge; Forgiveness. The girl had befriended a feline with a talent for bringing humour and joy into her world. He was a fellow survivor and the two of them grew very close. The girl could not imagine ever losing him. And so the universe took her faithful feline friend away. The girl grew angry towards the universe. She cursed the very sky that once gave her comfort. She allowed her grief to overcome her. The universe was not sure that she would ever learn its lesson. As the days and weeks went by, the girl's anger did not budge. So the universe sent her more loss, the loss of a lover. And still the girl remained stubborn. The universe sat back and watched as the strength of the girl begun to fade. It was a long time until the universe moved around the girl again. But eventually the girl's heart softened and she knew she had to let go of her anger. One night she stood under the stars and forgave the universe for taking away her friend. And the universe was again pleased that the girl had passed its test and granted her eternal compassion as her reward. The girl used this compassion to help many and with every burden she lifted from others, the softer her heart became. Again the universe granted the girl reprieve.
The next challenge was Loss. The universe sent a baby boy to inhabit the girl's womb. The boy grew inside her and the girl's heart grew beside him. She had never known such love before. She felt as if her love could never be contained. It was never-ending. And so the universe knew this was the only way to teach the girl about loss. And the universe took away the boy. And the girl grew dark again. She wanted to follow her son, she tried to. But the universe knew it was not her time and it intervened. The girl was forced to feel every part of that sorrow. The pain. The guilt. The emptiness. The loneliness of suffering such loss so silently. The universe felt pity for the girl and sent her a prophet to reinvigorate the girl's spirit. The prophet foretold of the boy's return and with this the girl's grief became lessened. Through time and acceptance, she learnt how to overcome her tragedy and how to use it to empower rather than destroy. When the universe saw this it granted her more reprieve.
The girl had by now become very weary and tired of all the universe's tests. In her exhaustion she managed to let go of her self worth, and once she realised this, she looked relentlessly for it through the eyes of others. The universe watched as she bent under the ideals of those whose intentions were not noble for the girl. It knew it was time for the girl to face her next challenge; Worthiness. The universe allowed the unworthy to feast upon the remaining of the girl. She was led down dead-end paths and used up until she had nothing left. The girl was broken. She withdrew into herself and when she could find nothing there, she allowed the darkness to take it's fill inside her. The darkness brought with it more pain. And so the girl tried again to find her worth through others, but this time when she was left empty-handed, she let the darkness take control. And the darkness said many things and did many things to hurt those in the girl's life. So the girl was left alone. And only then did she realise that only she could give to herself the self-worth that she so desperately needed. And the girl drew upon her strength and begun to rebuild. She mended bridges and created new paths towards the light to travel upon. And after a while the girl saw that she was good. She was worthy. And the universe was again pleased and sent to her a friend with the key to a new life as her reward.
The final challenge in the journey so far is that of Perseverance. The universe saw that the girl was easily deterred and wanted to teach her how to stand true. So when the girl had begun her new life in a new land, the universe took it's opportunity to show the girl how important it is to persevere through any storm it sends her. And the storms were great and the girl grew tired again. On the very edge of giving up, the girl's family reached out and gave her their strength. The girl placed that strength together with her own and stood tall to all the rain that came her way. And when the universe saw that her resolve was undefeatable, it pulled back it's storms and granted her reprieve. With the reprieve came a much needed, long sought after reward; happiness. And the girl knew that regardless of what the universe sent her way, she'd persevere through until she found her happiness again. She was ready to face the next challenge head on. The universe was pleased and grew still, just waiting for the right moment to thrust more wisdom upon the girl knowing that she was indeed worthy of all the knowledge and reward it had given to her so far.
And so the girl waits for the universe to teach her more lessons, all the while basking in the happiness that she has fought so hard to receive, for she is wise enough to know by now that happiness is a fragile gift that can be broken at any moment. But she also knows that it can be found whole again, if she only looks hard enough.
Until next time,
Ruby xx
Her first test was strength.
The universe saw that the girl had become separated from the good of mankind and darkness had fallen on her weak heart. She was following the path of the wrong and the unjust. She knew that her journey was not honorable but she ignored the signs that the universe sent her and continued to trek her way into the abyss. Finally the universe grew tired of her wandering and sent to her its first big challenge. After the girl was beaten and raped, the universe sent small comfort by way of its beautiful night sky and the companionship of a fellow wanderer to soften the girl's ordeal. And then the universe waited. When the girl did not break, the universe knew her first challenge was complete. And it rewarded her with more strength than she already possessed. The strength she would draw upon when facing any adversity or adversary in life. And the universe was happy and granted the girl reprieve.
When the universe saw that the girl had healed and was ready to learn more, it sent her its next challenge; Forgiveness. The girl had befriended a feline with a talent for bringing humour and joy into her world. He was a fellow survivor and the two of them grew very close. The girl could not imagine ever losing him. And so the universe took her faithful feline friend away. The girl grew angry towards the universe. She cursed the very sky that once gave her comfort. She allowed her grief to overcome her. The universe was not sure that she would ever learn its lesson. As the days and weeks went by, the girl's anger did not budge. So the universe sent her more loss, the loss of a lover. And still the girl remained stubborn. The universe sat back and watched as the strength of the girl begun to fade. It was a long time until the universe moved around the girl again. But eventually the girl's heart softened and she knew she had to let go of her anger. One night she stood under the stars and forgave the universe for taking away her friend. And the universe was again pleased that the girl had passed its test and granted her eternal compassion as her reward. The girl used this compassion to help many and with every burden she lifted from others, the softer her heart became. Again the universe granted the girl reprieve.
The next challenge was Loss. The universe sent a baby boy to inhabit the girl's womb. The boy grew inside her and the girl's heart grew beside him. She had never known such love before. She felt as if her love could never be contained. It was never-ending. And so the universe knew this was the only way to teach the girl about loss. And the universe took away the boy. And the girl grew dark again. She wanted to follow her son, she tried to. But the universe knew it was not her time and it intervened. The girl was forced to feel every part of that sorrow. The pain. The guilt. The emptiness. The loneliness of suffering such loss so silently. The universe felt pity for the girl and sent her a prophet to reinvigorate the girl's spirit. The prophet foretold of the boy's return and with this the girl's grief became lessened. Through time and acceptance, she learnt how to overcome her tragedy and how to use it to empower rather than destroy. When the universe saw this it granted her more reprieve.
The girl had by now become very weary and tired of all the universe's tests. In her exhaustion she managed to let go of her self worth, and once she realised this, she looked relentlessly for it through the eyes of others. The universe watched as she bent under the ideals of those whose intentions were not noble for the girl. It knew it was time for the girl to face her next challenge; Worthiness. The universe allowed the unworthy to feast upon the remaining of the girl. She was led down dead-end paths and used up until she had nothing left. The girl was broken. She withdrew into herself and when she could find nothing there, she allowed the darkness to take it's fill inside her. The darkness brought with it more pain. And so the girl tried again to find her worth through others, but this time when she was left empty-handed, she let the darkness take control. And the darkness said many things and did many things to hurt those in the girl's life. So the girl was left alone. And only then did she realise that only she could give to herself the self-worth that she so desperately needed. And the girl drew upon her strength and begun to rebuild. She mended bridges and created new paths towards the light to travel upon. And after a while the girl saw that she was good. She was worthy. And the universe was again pleased and sent to her a friend with the key to a new life as her reward.
The final challenge in the journey so far is that of Perseverance. The universe saw that the girl was easily deterred and wanted to teach her how to stand true. So when the girl had begun her new life in a new land, the universe took it's opportunity to show the girl how important it is to persevere through any storm it sends her. And the storms were great and the girl grew tired again. On the very edge of giving up, the girl's family reached out and gave her their strength. The girl placed that strength together with her own and stood tall to all the rain that came her way. And when the universe saw that her resolve was undefeatable, it pulled back it's storms and granted her reprieve. With the reprieve came a much needed, long sought after reward; happiness. And the girl knew that regardless of what the universe sent her way, she'd persevere through until she found her happiness again. She was ready to face the next challenge head on. The universe was pleased and grew still, just waiting for the right moment to thrust more wisdom upon the girl knowing that she was indeed worthy of all the knowledge and reward it had given to her so far.
And so the girl waits for the universe to teach her more lessons, all the while basking in the happiness that she has fought so hard to receive, for she is wise enough to know by now that happiness is a fragile gift that can be broken at any moment. But she also knows that it can be found whole again, if she only looks hard enough.
Until next time,
Ruby xx
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