No Fucks Are Giveth
I'm not quite over the hill yet, but my days of certain fuck giveth and taketh have long since died out, and with that comes a sense of freedom and independence, but mostly a sticketh to the maneth attitude born of aging rebellion. Things that used to stress me to the point of alcoholism back in my teens, no longer seem so significant in the grand scheme of things. A few years ago I found a rogue grey hair. I plucked the fucker out but I'm pretty sure it planted the seed of carefreeness which has been silently growing away under the surface ever since. So, here's a little list of all the fucks I no longer give, or take for that matter, since finding the grey invader up top.
> Competing With Other Girls.
I don't give a shit if some other chick is prettier, thinner, richer, luckier, or fucking made of unicorn farts and glitter. What goes on with some other girl is none of my business. I barely have the energy to worry about myself, let alone waste it on someone else for no reason.
> The Latest Big Thing.
What society deems important or special or amazing, doesn't affect me in the slightest anymore. My clothes are labelless, my makeup is knock offs or discounted, my jewellery leaves a cheap-metal dirty ring around my neck and fingers and I don't give a flying hoot who the next big popstar is. What I like, wear, use and enjoy are all things that are just for me, and certainly not some pathetic attempt to impress a bunch of materialistic asshats.
> Superficial Attractiveness.
Gone are the days where a man is deemed fuckable based solely on his looks. I want and need more now. Like the ability to hold a fucking conversation, which believe it or not, seems to be a quality lost among many. A sense of humour is much more charming than a set of abs. And sensitivity is way hotter than a tight ass. Don't get me wrong, a bitch can dream about having the full package, but the likelihood of finding it is probably much like your chances of finding a genie bottle and rubbing Robin Williams out. Well. You get what I mean.
> Other People's Opinions.
Don't like me? Don't care. What other people say or think about me is their problem, I'll just carry on doing me and not wasting any fucks on them trying to do me. No one does me better than me after all. Except maybe Henry Cavill.
> Aging.
When I was Eight, I thought that Twenty was ancient. At Twenty, I thought Thirty was the beginning of crypt keeping. And yet now as I'm nearing the end of my Twenties, my tune has changed a fuck load. The only thing that really ages you is your opinion on aging. Sure, hangovers kick your ass a lot more than they used to, and dying grey hairs is a mother fuck of annoyance, but who really cares what the ole year clock reads?! Age is an attitude, not a number. So whenever I feel old, I go and hang out with a bunch of even older folks and rejoice in my ability to still be able to cartwheel and put my own undies on without assistance.
Until next time,
Ruby xx
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