Don't Take It Personally
We're such a selfish society. We take everything that everyone says and does and we turn it into being about ourselves.
Someone gets 1475357 likes on their post after you've posted something incredibly similar beforehand yet you've only received 4 likes, including a pity thumbs up from mum. Obviously something is wrong with you. Let's disregard the logical facts that said post-copier might have more friends/family/stalkers/ etc. Or their Facebook fans might be more proactive than yours. Or they posted at a time when more people would see it than yours. Or a million other reasons that don't actually have anything to do with you or your selfworth or how people see you. But regardless of all that sense and reason, you still take this shit uber personally and get decidedly depressed because post-copycatter is clearly way cooler than you'll ever be.
Doesn't that sound like some seriously self-absorbed bullshit?
And we do this kind of thing all the time. We take things too personally. We allow the everything of everywhere and everyone to float on in to our little lives to burst our little bubbles of cool, calm and not-usually-craziness. We overanalyze the ridiculous. We overprioritise the unimportant. And we underutilise our ability to make like Elsa and let it go.
The best advice I've ever been given is "who the fuck cares?". OK so it wasn't actually advice but I'm not going to take shit so personally anymore
Until next time,
Ruby xx
Someone gets 1475357 likes on their post after you've posted something incredibly similar beforehand yet you've only received 4 likes, including a pity thumbs up from mum. Obviously something is wrong with you. Let's disregard the logical facts that said post-copier might have more friends/family/stalkers/
Doesn't that sound like some seriously self-absorbed bullshit?
And we do this kind of thing all the time. We take things too personally. We allow the everything of everywhere and everyone to float on in to our little lives to burst our little bubbles of cool, calm and not-usually-craziness. We overanalyze the ridiculous. We overprioritise the unimportant. And we underutilise our ability to make like Elsa and let it go.
The best advice I've ever been given is "who the fuck cares?". OK so it wasn't actually advice but I'm not going to take shit so personally anymore

Until next time,
Ruby xx
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