No More Fucking Around

A lot of men seem to be advocating the "Friends With Benefits' movement nowadays. Which to me is just a man that's keen on all the perks of dating minus the effort of actually committing. It's bullshit fed to us ladies in the hopes that we'll be desperate enough to eat it up. And a lot of us do, because we're confused about feminism and girl sexual power, or we're rekindling a halfassed affair with a previous lover, or we're scared of commitment ourselves or we're just plain lonely. But we're selling ourselves short here girls. Remember that old saying about not buying a cow that's giving away free milk. Well. We're the cows. And our milk is far more precious than a 2am drunken text asking "come mine?".

Sex is an amazing beautiful powerful thing. And the only thing that makes it better is having a connection that's more than just a physical one. We're being sold relationship propaganda by society, by men and by ourselves. Being a strong woman doesn't equate to having the ovaries to withstand less than we deserve. And being some guy's sexual plaything will never bring you the longterm happiness and joy that you all deserve.

So start saying no. No to the penistalk. No to the loneliness-driven compromises. No to the bullshit men try to sell us to get us in the sack. If you're that upset about being alone, get yourself a cat for company, a bottle of wine because wine. And a vibrator, because let's face it, sometimes we're just better off getting the job done ourselves.

Until next time,
Ruby xx


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