Sticking It To The Man For Nan

My Nan was my hero growing up. I was the first granddaughter and she always wanted a girl herself so she basically stole me from my parents lol

I have so many amazing memories with this wonder woman and I'm so blessed to have been given such an incredible grandmother.

She's 80 this year. She's had 6 confirmed strokes, is half paralysed, had one hip operation and is fighting off the ugly disease that is dementia. She's nothing like she used to be. Especially independence wise. But every now and then, when she cracks up laughing or has random memory flashes, the old Nan shines right through. One of the hardest parts about getting older is watching your elders age too. And what makes it worse is when they're struggling just to live day to day.

Before I left NZ, my Nan was allocated 28hrs for a caregiver to come look after her while my Grandad is at work. She needs almost full time care as she's getting very confused lately and is very prone to falls, hence the hip op. She flat out refuses to go into a resthome, especially as her first husband died in the one in our town. She stopped eating whilst in the home part time, and her condition and mental health got even worse.

9 months later and I'm back in NZ. And my Nan only gets 20hrs a week. And there's talk about that 20hrs turning into 8hrs due to budgeting cuts in the health sector by our government. My grandparents are far from rich, they can't afford to pay for the extra hours if that's what it comes to. So effectively the government is trying to force my Nan into a home. And that not only breaks my heart but it makes me flat out fucked off.

At 79yrs of age, no one should have to worry about money or health care or anything for that matter. Our elders should be enjoying their twilight years after decades of contributing to our economy and society. But apparently their needs are expendable. Their important funding is being cut. And bullshit expenses like unwanted costly flag referendums chew more into our nation's budget. Meanwhile ministers of Parliament continue to sit pretty up on their financial pedestals. And prisoners are entitled to free health care, free food, and free lodgings, all of which our older generation have to keep fighting for.

Where's the justice or humanity there?!!

So this is me calling out the New Zealand government. It is your duty to care for your people. Stop ignoring the vulnerable. Stop wasting money on unnecessary or unwanted expenses. Start giving a shit about the people that have brought you where you are. The generations that fought for us in the war. That raised our parents and us. The people who more often than not are overlooked and forgotten about. The people that need you now more than ever.

Until next time,
Ruby xx


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