The Death Of Slut Shaming
Rant ahead.
Excuse the over-abundance of obscenities and sexual references about to follow but photos like this kick me right in my ladyrage balls. I fucking hate the double standard that allows men absolute sexual freedom but shackles the netherflowers of women across the world. I fucking hate the judgement that a sexually-confident mamacita endures whenever she chooses to live her life from outside the kitchen she's supposed to hide in. And i fucking hate the misogynist attitudes that photos like this not only arouse but also give birth to.
What a woman (or man for that matter) does with their genitals shouldn't affect you unless they're your partner or your patient. Why the mother fuck does it matter if Maude has slept with 19 partners? How does that make her a bad person? Why when women are sold as sexual objects daily is that, on the whole, socially acceptable, but people lose their shit if a chick likes to regularly smush their privates with the privates of others?
Sex is one of the best things about being a human being. We need to start to celebrate pleasure and intimacy rather than belittle and judge it. Women have this stigma around them that they don't enjoy a good root like a man does, but only a crap lover, or orgasm-lacking lady, would ever believe that bullshit. Chicks dig their lady gardens being played in. Sex isn't a male-enjoyment-only club.
So to all my fellow senoritas who are in touch with their loving loins, and to all the misters that celebrate their bang-loving sisters, my ladybean salutes you. It's time to stand up and put a stop to the cunts that think slut shaming is a perfectly acceptable form of communication. Sex (obviously only consensual sex of course) is a beautiful amazing fucking experience and we need to start giving it the respect and admiration it rightfully deserves. Without it, none of us would be here.
Until next time,
Ruby xx
Ruby xx
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