Feminism. Kayne West. And the C Word.
Since the Golden Globes show aired, there's been a whole lotta shade being thrown at my inspogoddess Amy Schumer. And why? Because she said that word that outdoes all the other words in the whole entire universe of words (except the N-word. And no its not 'naenae' as much as we all wished it was. What the actual fuck is even a naenae anyways? Is it like a N-word bae that you love twice as much? These things i ponder). So back on track, I'm like one of those people in Harry Potter that actually says 'Voldemort' rather than 'he-who-shall-not-be-named' (so i guess you could say I'm pretty ruthless) and therefore I'm just gonna come right out and say it, Miss A.Schu said 'cunt'. And people have lost their minds.
I'm gonna let this post finish, but i just gotta say.... Kayne West is telling everyone he's a genius and that's like acceptable... ? Um. Really? Sorry but I'd rather listen to the sound of my bonedry cunt being pillaged by a giant sandpaper dildo for the rest of my life than have to suffer any further the waste of precious life, sanity and time-away-from-candy-crush on that self-obsessed, self-absorbed, self-ish N-word (not naenae).
Feminists everywhere have jumped on the backlash Amy is facing (open an envelope and you'll have some feminist there telling you the hardships that women who are not allowed envelopes, are facing) and are disowning Miss Aallthehemsworths from the female gender. Meanwhile Caitlyn Jenner is still a chick? Riiiiiighto.
Right now I bet that some of you are confused, because yes I'm totally a chick, with self-made (not handmade like our mate Cait) tits and vadge. But being a female doesn't necessarily mean I'm gonna join every female-only club that I'm invited to, especially if the club house is a mess and there's no snacks (feminists don't cook and clean joke. Bah dum tiss). I expect to be treated as an equal regardless of my awesome rack and virginal-tight vagina (i have a theory that after you stop putting things in there for a while, that shit just shrinks on back up, light a flower unblossoming, waiting to be watered). I'm a huge fan of the old school feminists that made the world a better, fairer place (like being able to do jobs that were deemed 'men only' like driving vehicles and fondling other women's cunts and shit) but I'm abso-fucking-lutely sick to death of hearing the whinging and whining of the 'new-age feminists' that make even us fellow senoritas wanna up and slap a bitch.
I love men. Especially the kind with the penises and balls. And it irks the irk out of me when i see ALL guys being hated on because a girl called Alice dated ONE guy that was a total doucheface, even though her parents and friends and aunties and cousins and pet rock and brother all warned her that doucheface was a doucheface but silly cow didn't listen and when she finally gets sick of doucheface doing his doucheface douching, she goes and blames every single man alive for her lack of sensibility and intellect. Are you fucking serious Alice?! Alice likes to play the victim in life. Alice is a cunt.
See what i did there? Looped the post right back to the beginning using the word 'cunt'. Without 'cunt' this post would make no sense, ok so maybe much less sense. So contrary to current public belief/distaste, saying 'cunt' can actually yield a positive outcome. I think we should all celebrate the beauty that is 'cunt'. Let's make 'cunt' cool again. Let's bring it back from the other side where the N-word rules supreme. Try adding a 'cunt' a day to your life to keep the Alice's away.
Until next time cunts,
Ruby xx
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