Life Isn't Like Instagram

This is one of my favourite photos of myself.

Even though my thighs are a little chumbly (i think i made that word up but it totes describes how i see my legs so it stays lol) and chunky, my hair is in that awkward growing out stage aka ugly AF, my muffin top is protruding out like my bloody hip was having a baby and my outfit is veeeeeery far from on point. But none of that bullshit matters. Because right before this photo was taken, I was laughing. And right after it was taken, I was laughing. Pretty much the whole entire day on which this photo was taken, I was laughing.

My 11 year old brother was behind the camera and we had just spent the past hour riding our bicycles like crazy maniacs from Mad Max through the forest. It wasn't our first adventure and I really hope it's not one of the last, even though I'm being a fucking terrible big sister by moving to another country and leaving my partner in crime behind (I have the guiltsquirms every time i think about it).

Life isn't like instagram. You're not always going to look your best, candid and action photos often remind us of that. But who gives a fuck?!!

Why care so much about what a bunch of strangers think of you? Nowadays it's almost become a necessity to 'collect' the approval of people we'll probably never actually meet and who will have no further sway on our lives than the fraction of a second they took out of theirs to like our photo. How bloody ridiculous have we become as a society?!

This time last year I was OB-FUCKING-SESSED with making sure the 'right' photo was taken so i could attention-seek like the raging social media whore i was. My poor lil bro suffered through endless "take my photo again" demands as he was the only willing photographer/victim i could find that would put up with my divatude. We couldn't go anywhere or do anything without me posing in 59 million different positions to make sure my boobs popped out and my tummy was sucked in and my lips were pouting and my eyes were seductive. What a cunt! Someone should have slapped that stupid right out of me. Eventually even I got sick of my nonsense and I walked away from the demonic ensnarement that instagram had me voluntarily trapped in. And nowadays i post photos of me after a bender and after doing my makeup blind and after exercising (the ugliest a woman can ever be with the exception of childbirth) without even flinching. Not only do i have much more fun in my life but now i am much more fun to be around too.

Stop taking photos for the likes, and start taking them for the loves again 📷 💙

Until next time,
Ruby xx


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