
Showing posts from January, 2016

Girl on Girl

I see women tearing down other women in an unflinchingly ferocious and terrifyingly brutal manner almost daily, and fuck me, it not only fondles my frustration cockles past the point of bearablility (totes just made that word up i think), but it also absolutely exhausts me. As if life wasn't a cunt enough, these silly bitches wanna throw shade and make things tougher for each other. I know we're supposed to be these unstoppable shebeasts that are perfectly capable of kicking ass and taking names along with the menfolk, but the feminist in me is more than happy to yield and admit that men certainly have overwhelming advantages in life, such as their greater physicality (and getting to piss standing up seems pretty fucking badass too). I'm constantly hearing account after account after mother fucking account of women being dominated and used and abused by the subpar human beings that masquerade as grown ass men. It might be a man's world but there's a vast differe...

The Death Of Slut Shaming

Rant ahead. Excuse the over-abundance of obscenities and sexual references about to follow but photos like this kick me right in my ladyrage balls. I fucking hate the double standard that allows men absolute sexual freedom but shackles the netherflowers of women across the world. I fucking hate the judgement that a sexually-confident mamacita endures whenever she chooses to live her life from outside the kitchen she's supposed to hide in. And i fucking hate the misogynist attitudes that photos like this not only arouse but also give birth to. What a woman (or man for that matter) does with their genitals shouldn't affect you unless they're your partner or your patient. Why the mother fuck does it matter if Maude has slept with 19 partners? How does that make her a bad person? Why when women are sold as sexual objects daily is that, on the whole, socially acceptable, but people lose their shit if a chick likes to regularly smush their privates with the privates of othe...

Table For One?

Tonight I decided to drive to the next town and go out for dinner hansolo after dropping my grandparents off at the bowling club. They evidently have a far greater social life than i do with their regular drinking and gambling (how fucking badass is that for two old codgers?!) but that's another story for another day. When I walked into the restaurant, the waitress gave me this kind of funny kind of judgeymcjudgealots look and asked, "Hi there, is it just a table for one or....oh...yeah you're alone hey..." We walk over to my booth. " must be hard going out alone?" Yes bitch. I'm all alone in the world, husbandless and childless, I'm failing miserably at this shit, should I just go slit my wrists now? or you could keep plunging that dagger into my heart? "No, I'm used to doing things on my own" "...oh. well that's lucky then. I'll be back shortly with your .." So that was how my nigh...

Ahhh, Could You, Like, Just Not?

Things that people do that drive me around the fucking bend that I'm not allowed to punch them in the boob for doing. Episode One. #1 Breathing. Especially through their mouths and that almost-snoring type rasping happens that makes you assume they're sick so you suck it up because they can't help being sick now can they? But eventually YOU get sick... and fucking tired of listening to some asshole's sick breathing so you ask them if they're sick as a subtle hint that their sick breathing is ridiculous but then they say they're not sick and you're just like whaaaaaaaaaat?!! #2 Eating. When they're chewing with their mouths open like some bloody cow chewing cud out in the field in the middle of the wops where said cow's chewing can only annoy other noisy cows chewing cud. #3 Taking too long to do things. Like when you're waiting in line at the petrol station and Martha the server is creating a goddamn lifestory by telling her lifestory to B...

Makeupless Means Monstrous?

There's always a huge buzz whenever female stars are caught on camera without their war paint on because, heaven forbid, they're not the perfect godlike beings we/they like to make out that they are. It makes it really hard for us normal everyday average ladettes to get by without spending the better half of our mornings getting ready for the day as if we were about to walk the runway at fashion week. I recently tried going a couple days without a touch of makeup, and not only did I become a total recluse, but when I did absolutely horrendously have to make a public appearance, I was subjected to a barrage of questions starting at "are you tired love?" and ending at "Jesus Mary and Joseph, it's nothing serious is it?!!". To which I had to reply "no I'm just ugly but thanks for pointing it out" 😂:'( I used to think that the YouTube makeup gurus that could transform themselves into modern day deities with the flick of a br...

Life Isn't Like Instagram

This is one of my favourite photos of myself. Even though my thighs are a little chumbly (i think i made that word up but it totes describes how i see my legs so it stays lol) and chunky, my hair is in that awkward growing out stage aka ugly AF, my muffin top is protruding out like my bloody hip was having a baby and my outfit is veeeeeery far from on point. But none of that bullshit matters. Because right before this photo was taken, I was laughing. And right after it was taken, I was laughing. Pretty much the whole entire day on which this photo was taken, I was laughing. My 11 year old brother was behind the camera and we had just spent the past hour riding our bicycles like crazy maniacs from Mad Max through the forest. It wasn't our first adventure and I really hope it's not one of the last, even though I'm being a fucking terrible big sister by moving to another country and leaving my partner in crime behind (I have the guiltsquirms every time i think about it). Li...

Feminism. Kayne West. And the C Word.

Since the Golden Globes show aired, there's been a whole lotta shade being thrown at my inspogoddess Amy Schumer. And why? Because she said that word that outdoes all the other words in the whole entire universe of words (except the N-word. And no its not 'naenae' as much as we all wished it was. What the actual fuck is even a naenae anyways? Is it like a N-word bae that you love twice as much? These things i ponder). So back on track, I'm like one of those people in Harry Potter that actually says 'Voldemort' rather than 'he-who-shall-not-be-named' (so i guess you could say I'm pretty ruthless) and therefore I'm just gonna come right out and say it, Miss A.Schu said 'cunt'. And people have lost their minds. I'm gonna let this post finish, but i just gotta say.... Kayne West is telling everyone he's a genius and that's like acceptable... ? Um. Really? Sorry but I'd rather listen to the sound of my bonedry cunt being pilla...

Could We Be A Little More Cliche Please!

This is my most liked photo on instagram by a longshot. I can give you 2 reasons why this photo was popular and both are rather.... errr... on display 😂 The reason I'm bringing this up is because I just finished having a conversation with a guy friend of mine and his most popular photo on the insta was one where he's holding his baby niece. Cooooooome on. Are we REALLY that lame and unoriginal guys?! Us girls like the cliche family guy image and the men all like the cliche girl with tits out pic. Fuck that. I'm gonna go like photos of men in speedos and turn the tables. Probably won't do shit but it'll still be pretty funny to look at men in speedos for the next hour or so. Ruby out xx

In All Seriousness

It's raining where I live so I'm cooped up inside sulking like a small child in time out. I say that like I actually had plans/a social life for the rain to ruin 😂 But in all seriousness, which doesn't happen often, although it might be bucketing ponds and lakes on us here, across the ditch in Aussie and just down the road from my bestie, there's an enormous fire destroying land, homes and lives. I just wanted to take this opportunity to send my love to all those affected by the inferno in Western Australia. And a huge thank you to the men and women on the ground doing their best to put the fire out. You're all heroes and my thoughts and prayers are with you. It's easy to forget about tragic events around the world when they're eclipsed or replaced by other tragic events in the news and also by the daily struggles and stresses of our own lives. It's not until the big scary  stuff like this happens to you or your loved ones, do you really s...

Mirrorless Makeuping

So. As promised, here's the photographic proof that I successfully completed my mission from the 'New Year New Me' post. I just put on my makeup without looking in the mirror and I feel like I've found my godgiven natural ability. My contour game is almost as strong as my brow game is.... as in, UNstrong. Very very UNstrong. One at a time boys! 😂 Until next time, Ruby xx

New Year New Me

One of my New Years resolutions was to find something to laugh about every single day of 2016. And with the first week done and dusted, I'm already failing at life lol so determined not to disappoint my parents any further (is there a level below rock bottom?) I've decided to take my serious girl panties off and run commando through the world like a gleeful child. Not literally of course, I haven't had a wax in months and ain't nobody wanna see a bushy vadge. So to kickstart the cockles of my laughing engine, today I snuck up on my 75 year old grandfather to give him a fright. The thought of him squealing like a girl/possibly having a heart attack was too unbearable to contain so I ruined my fright by cracking up laughing before I even got to do it (FYI I was laughing about the squealing not the cardiac arrest). Mission one: failure. Or was it? ;) Mission two: putting my makeup on with my eyes closed. Then taking a photo. Then uploading said photo on here. Then sendin...

Redheads Are The Master Race

How to win with the ladies: #1 Be a redhead. This is pretty self-explanatory but for those without the magic powers of fiery hair; if a dude's hair is red up top, the girls are going to be constantly picturing his downstairs. Which makes them constantly aroused. Red hair is pretty much a genetic aphrodisiac. #2 Have some sort of link to Harry Potter because it's the erotic fiction novel series of our time. #3 Stare wistfully in the opposite direction of target to give the illusion of mystery and torment. Like you're some mighty fucking sensitive poet boss. Chicks dig that. #4 Have a kitten. Who doesn't like kittens?! That's right. Monsters. Monsters don't like kittens. And monsters fuck you then kill you so you had best be leaving monsters to shady men picking up prostitutes and Charlize Theron. #5 Sing and play the guitar well. Bonus points if you're a redhead and can do this. Extra bonus points if you're a redhead and you're acting as the redh...

How To Not Suck At Breakups

Warning: this post is very NSFW. There's a lot of curse words and sexual references. In time you'll expect this from me, but for now I'll warn you. Like MTV does before every single godforsaken "reality" show they play instead of music. On Music TV. Yeaaaaaahhhh.... No one ever really teaches you how to bounce back after a serious relationship ends (rebounding seems a little risky when you live in a town inhabited mostly by your relatives so that's out for me). I've heard all the bullshit "time heals" nonsense cliches and not once has it ever helped me in any way at all when someone mentions it. It mostly makes me want to punch said cliche-giver in the face. With a brick. And then tell them "oooh but time heals, right?" Yeah ok so I may have some unresolved anger management issues. Probably. So after extensive research (few minutes perusing Google) all I seemed to find was the same old airy fairy hippylove hug the world fucking...

Speak No Evil

I read this little post on one of my friend's Facebook walls today that said something along the lines of "10 years ago we'd be upset if someone read our diaries, nowadays we put our diaries online and we're upset if no one reads them". And I just thought to myself "that's so fucking right". I find myself scanning my newsfeed every morning ignoring the reposts and bullshitty inspo pics, and only really stopping to read the real stuff, the juicy stuff, the goss, the whinging, the raunchy, the confessions, the heartaches... just all of it. It's become a part of my normal everyday routine and I know I'm not alone in this. And if you think about it, it's actually a little bit perverted. It's like new-age, socially-acceptable, nonsexual (well i can't speak for you guys...) voyeurism. When did it become ok to know everything about everyone? When did we stop enjoying mystery? And how the fuck did we ever start being so interested in e...