Girl on Girl

I see women tearing down other women in an unflinchingly ferocious and terrifyingly brutal manner almost daily, and fuck me, it not only fondles my frustration cockles past the point of bearablility (totes just made that word up i think), but it also absolutely exhausts me. As if life wasn't a cunt enough, these silly bitches wanna throw shade and make things tougher for each other. I know we're supposed to be these unstoppable shebeasts that are perfectly capable of kicking ass and taking names along with the menfolk, but the feminist in me is more than happy to yield and admit that men certainly have overwhelming advantages in life, such as their greater physicality (and getting to piss standing up seems pretty fucking badass too). I'm constantly hearing account after account after mother fucking account of women being dominated and used and abused by the subpar human beings that masquerade as grown ass men. It might be a man's world but there's a vast differe...