Gold Coast: Not The Dream I Dreamed

22nd June 2016

Week three at the gold coast. 

What a hard, emotional and rather lonely journey my time in Australia has been so far. I've had to step outside my comfort zone more times than ever before and every day brings a new challenge to rise to. The hardest one is by far having to keep myself to myself. At the moment, I have no friends or family here so most of my free time is spent on my own. I've never felt so isolated in my entire life. I miss everyone back home beyond words and would do anything for an "everything will be ok, love" cuddle.

But beginnings are never easy, especially the big ones, and rewards come from hard work and perseverance, so I'll just keep trucking along like I always do until life gets easier/better.

On the flipside, there are many positives that have come from jumping the ditch, and I'm very grateful to the family I live with who have given me the opportunity for a new life. I'm living in a beautiful house and have an almost-fulltime job, which is a lot more than some people can say. I've also got a ticket to see the queen Dita Von Teese on July 1st which is a huge huge huge opportunity I'd never be in reach of back in NZ. And on my birthday in a few weeks I'll be ticking yet another bucket list goody off when I jump out of a plane. So there are definitely amazing things going on in my life. I think it's just hard to see the rainbows through the rain sometimes.

But I'll keep trying.

Until next time,
Ruby xx

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