Drama Llama
27th June 2016
We all know at least one.
If you've been living under a solitude rock and don't know what a drama llama is, let me enlighten you;
"Hey Barbara, how was your day?"
"The universe hates me"
"Ohhh, why do you say that Barbsy?"
"I broke a nail. Chris won't text me back after I accused him of cheating on me. He reckons he was just taking his Mum to the doctors but I'm pretty sure the doctor is a girl and no doubt she's hot so of course he's just finding excuses to see her, I'm not buying this "mum's got pneumonia" nonsense he's trying to sell me. And if that's not bad enough, my car battery went flat because the sodding lights didn't turn off when i got out like I'm sure that's a manufacture fault, what kind of idiot made lights that stay on when you're not even in your damn car. And my beautician went on maternity leave the selfish tart and so now I've got to see this blinking scary German girl who I'm pretty sure she's still pissed at the world for us hating them because of the whole nazi thing so of course she's going to butcher my Brazilian in some sort of sick vadge retaliation. Aaaaaand the supermarket didn't have the juice I like. May as well just end it all now really"
"Well fuck Barbs. You're having a tough time of it aren't ya?"
"Don't even get me started doll"
Until next time,
Ruby xx
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